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Corns & Calluses Specialist

Podiatry Clinic of Jackson

Podiatrists located in Jackson, TN

If you have corns or calluses, their appearance or the discomfort these areas of thickened skin can cause may bother you. Fortunately, for men and women living in and around Jackson, Tennessee, treatment for corns and calluses is as simple as an appointment at Podiatry Clinic of Jackson. If you have an additional foot health concern that needs to be addressed, simply ask about treatment for corns and calluses when you schedule your appointment. Or, you can always book an appointment online or over the phone specifically for corns or calluses.

Corns & Calluses Q & A

What are corns and calluses?

Corns and calluses are areas of thick, hardened skin. They develop in areas where your skin experiences high levels of pressure and friction, and are part of your body’s natural defense against injury.

Calluses are commonly found on the heels or balls of your feet, the areas that sustain the greatest weight and pressure as you walk and go through your normal daily routines. A callus can be any shape and can be small or large.

Corns are smaller and have a hard center surrounded by swollen skin. Corns often develop on areas of your feet that don’t bear weight but are subjected to friction or pressure.

Why do I have corns and calluses?

Anything that creates pressure or friction on your feet can lead to a corn or callus. However, some things can increase your risk, including:

  • Wearing high heels or overly tight shoes
  • Wearing shoes without socks
  • Participating in activities like running, skating, or many types of sports

Foot abnormalities like bunions, bone spurs, and hammertoe can also cause corns and calluses to develop.   

How can I get rid of corns and calluses?

There are many products marketed for improving corns and calluses, some of which are more effective than others. Often, simply changing your habits can improve these areas of thickened skin. Evaluating your footwear to see if your shoes are causing undue pressure or friction is a good place to start.

If you choose to try self-care for calluses and corns, be careful to avoid breaking the surface of your skin, which increases your risk of infection. Men and women with diabetes should never attempt to remove a corn or callus on their own, and foot wounds can quickly become serious health problems.

Professional treatments include medications that help break down thickened skin over time. You’ll need to use a file, emery board, or pumice to help remove dead skin as your treatment moves forward.

In-office trimming is another option and involves using a scalpel and a trained hand to carefully shave away layers of accumulated skin. A combination of medication and trimming may yield the best results.

If you’d like help eliminating corns or calluses, book an appointment with Podiatry Clinic of Jackson at your earliest convenience.